Welcome to the Serene World of Heartbeasties!

I’m Marina, the creator of Heartbeasties. After experiencing a personal hardship in 2017, I discovered the healing power of art and sculpted my first beastie as a way to cope. From that moment on, I've been sculpting Heartbeasties and sharing them with anyone who needs hope and serenity in their lives.

The Story of Heartbeasties
‘‘Heartbeasties come from a land far, far away, and wander the Earth in search of their new homes. These creatures are said to possess the purest of hearts, and are drawn to humans who are seeking solace and hope. Each beastie carries an ethereal orb in which their emotions and memories of their realm are encased. Here lies the essence of their being - their heart and their soul.

The legend says there is a flash of recognition that occurs when you meet your beastie companion. Your heart warms up and its orb shines brightly. An unbreakable bond between the two hearts is formed.

From now on, your Heartbeastie will forever be by your side, watching over you and giving you hope for a better tomorrow.’’

As an artist, I strive to create pieces that bring joy, comfort, and hope to others. My work is inspired by the beauty and magic of the natural world, and seeks to capture the essence of the creatures and landscapes that surround us.

My Heartbeasties sculptures are born from a deep well of emotion and creativity, and each one is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail. I believe that art has the power to heal, and that my Heartbeasties serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope to be found.

Through my work, I hope to inspire others to find beauty and joy in the world around them, and to embrace their own creativity and imagination. I aim to create pieces that speak to the heart and soul, and that offer a sense of peace and serenity to those who behold them.

I believe that art has the power to transform lives, and I am honoured to share my creations with the world.